Sunday, September 02, 2007

One of my favourite quotes

"I am tired tonight. My eyes are out of focus, my body droops under the weight of the day, but as I leave you Queer lads let me leave you singing. I had to write of a sad time as a witness - not to cloud your smiles - please read the cares of the world that I have locked in these pages; and after, put this book aside and love. May you of a better future, love without a care and remember we loved too. As the shadows closed in, the stars came out.

I am in love."

Derek Jarman (1942-1994), At Your Own Risk (pub. 1992)

Why have I added this quote? Because I've signed up to Facebook*, and needed a couple of favourite quotes for my profile, that's why.

* God help me.


RRP said...

hahah - consider yourself added, mister watts!


susanna said...

oh i love derek jarman. i have his diaries - so poignant, so funny and so so sad.

next trip to the UK i really want to visit his famous garden in kent.

Rach said...


Expect many a Scrabulous challenge.

Anonymous said...

Oh dear're surely damned now!

Well at least it's not myspazz...

Stef said...

I want to add you to please!